Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words!


The Activist said...

They sure do

Ydiana said...


Thanks for droppin' in! :)

mamasita said...

I love that photograph of the then Lady Di pakai blue baju to match her blue sapphire engagement ring. And Prince Charles masatu had to stand on a box to make himself look much taller.
Ahhh..why must fairytales end so sadly in this modern era.I really2 adored them!

Ydiana said...

Hi Mamasita!

So nice of you to drop by! So, when do you decide to end your break? ;) Take your time...

Yes, she's so sweet! Prince Charles does not deserve opinion only. Everything happens for a reason, kan.

Datin, this blog dah lama tak update. Belum ada ilham.

My more active blogs are Great Minds Think Alike and Piano by Ear. Kalau ada masa, singgahlah!

Take care!

ADAM said...

Hi Diana

You may provide your tribute to Princess Diana at

Alexiev said...

Jaja... great...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store